Gemstar-TV Guide will most likely kill off its e-book unit, according to a Bloomberg story picked up by the LA Times. (The URL is iffy. You may have to go to the home page of the LA Times site and do a search under Gemstar.)

Here are a few more details from Bloomberg, via the Times–quoting Gemstar-TV Guide CEO Jeff Shell:

Closing the division is the “most likely” choice that Gemstar will make after it tries to sell the business or find partners for it, Shell said at an investor conference in New York. Gemstar has hired investment bankers for advice and probably will make a decision in the next couple weeks, he added.

A lesson for vendors and consumers and the Open eBook Forum? Beware of proprietary formats!

Still, we’re sorry to see any e-book player leave the business.

(Found via Publishers Lunch.)


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