boingboing-logo.gif This YouTube video is absolutely hysterical. It tells you how a book gets published; from the writing, to the editing, printing and marketing.

Done by the Digital Marketing group at Macmillan it is a must see. Found on boingboing and through the medium of an email sent to me by Michael von Glahn.

Did you know that a book’s editor must read the copy a minimum of 4 times and commit large parts of it to memory? I also learned that the editor often completes every third word of the book and is responsible for choosing all the characters’ names. I sure that David has been through this experience with his Solomon Scandals.

Note: our readers should feel free to send me an email if they find an interesting story – or even write a story themselves and send it to me for publication.


  1. LOL, each book is different, Paul. If memory serves, people can blame ALL the character names on ME. The title is also mine. Sara and Bob Schwager did the copy editing, although, alas, they had no control over the e-version, so please don’t blame these fine pros for any glitches there. In addition, I made some last-minute changes. Sara did the dev editing and asked the wonderful question, “What happened to the dog?” That gave me my afterword. Only a tiny tiny fraction of the words are hers–she edited, not wrote—but boy did she ask good questions! – David

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