From the Vook blog:

Summers can be hectic. We kick it off with Memorial Day, scramble for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and in a few short weeks, we’ll be throwing a party for America’s birthday. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a day for You?

We think so. So we’re declaring June 23rd “You Day.” To celebrate, we’re making four of our iPad apps free.

Screen shot 2010-06-24 at 2.33.50 PM.pngThe Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Franklin wrote the most popular autobiography in history, and it’s even more awesome with expert commentary in videos.

Dracula’s Guest
Dracula’s Guest is the short story that Bram Stroker wrote before Dracula made him famous. And it will show you just how powerful his imagination always was.

The Three Little Pigs
One of the greatest and most retold stories in history comes to life with images and narration. Guaranteed to blow your house down.

The Sherlock Holmes Experience
With this app, you can do your own investigation along with literature’s greatest detective. Read the stories, and watch videos about Holmes’s London.

We hope you enjoy these apps. Happy You Day!


  1. Hi M-K,

    Good catch! Dracula’s Guest is very similar to Dracula because Bram Stoker wrote it before he wrote the novel. The stories are very similar and most people think that he based Dracula on this original short story.

    Hope you enjoyed it, anyway.

    All the best,

    Rachel @ Vook

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