Are you visually impaired or otherwise disabled in a way that interferes with book reading? Or do you know someone else who could benefit from free talking books and even a player for them? Certain libraries in Hawaii, New Jersey and Mississippi are joining those in a one-year Illinois experiment overseen by the Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service. Highlights:

Lobe Library [in Illinois] will offer digital talking books to readers from July 2003 to June 2004. Patrons participating in the TBBS Talking Book program who have a temporary or permanent physical or visual inability to read regular printed material are eligible to participate in the pilot program. They will receive a free handheld MP-3 type player loaded with a digital audiobook, headphones, an instruction sheet, and an evaluation survey. Patrons will be able to test the player for three weeks. In June 2004 a national electronic book expert will write an evaluation report based upon the experiences of readers who participate to determine if and how the service will be continued and whether it should be expanded nationwide.”

For details, reach the Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service at 1-800-665-5576, extension 5, or


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