Here are a few quick follow-ups to previous TeleRead stories:

EtherPad source released

Remember how I mentioned Google had bought EtherPad and was closing it down, then that it would stay up at least until it had been open-sourced? Google has just released the source. Right on, Google and EtherPad crew!

Just in time, too; the EtherPad server has been noticeably faltering lately with all the extra attention Google’s purchase has brought.

Fusion Garage responds to TechCrunch lawsuit, allegations

I mentioned in my previous story on this issue that we had not heard Fusion Garage’s side of things yet. Well, now we have. Fusion Garage’s statement addresses the lawsuit, Arrington’s allegations that there is no money behind Fusion Garage and about its founder’s “shady” past, and the ownership of its intellectual property.

Of course, it is still going to take a judge to sort the whole thing out.

French court rules against Google Books

A French court has found Google guilty of violating French copyright law with its Google Books plan. The article does not go into consequences beyond the possibility of a $22 million fine demanded by French publishers’ and authors’ groups.

iPhone is “big in Japan” after all

A while back we covered a Wired story purporting to explain why the iPhone was a “failure” in Japan. It turned out the article was badly researched and incorrect. Now here is an article saying the exact opposite of that first one: the iPhone accounts for 46.1% of the entire Japanese smartphone market.


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