images.jpegIn good news for alternative textbook publishers everywhere, Flatworld Knowledge has received a $4-million infusion of capital from an investment group of which the New York State Retirement Fund was a part.

NY State Comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli, said: “Flat World Knowledge is a perfect example of how we can do well for the members of the Retirement System while doing good for New York businesses and college students. Flat World Knowledge is transforming the model for how college students purchase their textbooks by offering a low-cost alternative to the expensive, traditional textbooks found in college bookstores.”

According to a press release, 18 New York State institutions are using Flatworld.


  1. @Paul

    Don’t you think that you should have added some links to the text? There isn’t a link to the Flat World Knowledge web site! Or to a press release or announcement page that details the news of the funding. Or to the web site of the investment group. Or to anywhere else for that matter. I found this a bit frustrating.

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