If you haven’t taken the 5 question TeleRead reading survey,  visit this link on Surveygizmo. Thanks!


Perceptive readers may notice that I listed mysteries/thrillers twice on the fiction category. (Oops!)  Lesson Learned: Always have another person proofread your survey no matter how many times you have looked over it.  (This question allows you to choose 4 categories, so be sure NOT to pick both mysteries/thriller choices).

I’ll report the results tomorrow.


  1. Tried it but the page came up with some dumb validation claiming I hadn’t filled it in properly.

    dumb survey = dumb results.

    i.e. there aren’t 4 categories I would look at in a bookstore – I am just interested in Sci-Fi period.

  2. Why are mystery and poetry listed twice in the fiction question? Kinda splits the votes.

    Also, requiring four answers in each section skews the results. I doubt I have spent an hour looking at non-fiction books in the past year, much less four different types.

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