Announcement from FBReader–slightly edited:

imageNew release 0.11.2 is available for linux computers. Sources and debian packages (for both i386 and amd64 platforms) are available here. This release:

  • Fixes a crash on amd64 platform.
  • Uses new protocol for a communication with a popular Russian e-book site.
  • Includes new features like authorization. Book-buying without a browser will be available in the near future.
  • Fixes some small user interface bugs.

Editor’s note: Notice the browserless book-buying? In the future will FBReader be as easily to use for book-shopping as a Kindle is? And will it use a standard shared with other open apps? And maybe even tie in with the Open Content Alliance’s catalog-related efforts?


  1. FBReader code is a major component of OpenInkpot and the Pocketbook 360 reader. On those devices it is both stable and flexible and offers the best cutomizability of current reader devices.
    Should be interesting to see if/when the Browserless buying shows up on gadgets.

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