Screen shot 2010-08-16 at 9.49.01 AM.pngThe Vancouver Sun is reporting that Oscar’s Art Books has installed an Espresso Machine. They are the first private bookstore to own a Machine in Canada and it is one of only six machines across Canada.

For those who do not have a built-in market to sell their books but still want to give self-publishing a try, the Espresso Book Machine is a less expensive option. Printing a book at Oscar’s costs $3 plus three cents per page, and an initial setup fee of $99. A 100-page book costs $5.99 to print. …

Timing is another advantage of the new machine, which cost the bookstore $120,000. “We’re able to give someone a physical product in their hand in five minutes,” Bechta said. Traditional publishers can take much longer to deliver a book.

Production speed is what led Arsenal Pulp Press, a Vancouver-based independent publishing company, to use the machine at Oscar’s Art Books. The company uses the machine to print advance copies of books that will be released in the fall, Arsenal marketing director Janice Beley said.

“Our turnaround time was around three weeks for advances. Now I can get them within two to three days.”


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