images.jpegBack in October we asked you all to take our ereader survey and offered Amazon gift cards in $s, Euros or British Pounds. Well, InfoTrends has picked the three winners and for two of them their $100 and $50 gift cards have been sent out directly by InfoTrends.

However, the grand prize winner of a $250 gift card, Zack, has not responded to InfoTrends notice of award despite several emails being sent. While we cannot publish this person’s email here, the name ‘zack’ appears in that email address…and that is the address to which InfoTrends will send its final notice of award. So if you think this is your email address, please carefully check your e-mail (and perhaps your junk mail filter) for the transmission from InfoTrends and respond within 72 hours. If no response is received then a new winner will be picked.

We should start publishing the results on TeleRead after the first of the year.


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