Evidently there is an update to eReader, 1.1. I found this on the eReader site, but the App Store still tells me my older version is up to date.

“eReader for iPhone and iPod touch version 1.1 includes the following new features:

* The ability to download eReader PDB files from web sites other than eReader.com and Fictionwise.com, as well as personal content in eReader PDB format. For details see the Personal Content FAQ.
* New options to: lock screen orientation, tap instead of swipe to turn pages, choose white text on black background, turn off page animation, and turn off full justification of text.
* Ability to sort the on-device bookshelf by author, title, or download date.
* Better error messages and several bug fixes.

Please note that more features are scheduled to come out in just a few weeks in our 1.2 release, so if you don’t see your favorite feature here we ask for your patience. “


  1. Hi Guys,

    Apple approved version 1.1 at around 2:30pm eastern time today but it still is not showing up on the app store or itunes quite yet. It may take a few hours for their servers to update. Because it is a friday afternoon we decided to go ahead and cut over all the help pages immediately, since we expect the update to show up at any time now.

    -Steve P.

  2. Very nice update. Grabbed a few things from my local machine. A very welcome feature.

    Now if I could just find a place to leave feedback about a couple things to Fictionwise/the developers. Didn’t seem to be an obvious place on the support site and the iTunes review system isn’t really appropriate IMHO.

    (And the License agreement for it on iTunes is slightly amusing at the moment (apparently for a game called Bomberman))

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