Free CultureOh, the glories of a Creative Commons license. Thanks to the rights that Larry Lessig granted readers of Free Culture, for example, Jose Menendez has come up with two new HTML versions. He writes:

To make it as easy to read and study as possible, I linked not only the table of contents, but also all of the endnotes and even the index. I also retained the original pagination and added a “Quick Navigation” box where readers can type in any page number to jump right to it. That makes it very easy for people to go back to reading the e-book wherever they left off.

I actually have two HTML versions. The second one displays the endnotes in a resizable popup window when the mouse pointer hovers over the superscripts in the text unless, of course, the reader has his browser set to block popups. If he does, he can click on the superscripts the usual way to jump to the corresponding endnotes.

Tip: Also check out the remixes section of the Free Culture Website for other examples of enhanced editions.

Idea for creators of e-book software: Watch the remixes section carefully. Some of the interface-related features of the remixes might work out in e-book-reading software.


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