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This non-commercial Russian language website of the publishing house ‘Im Werden’ (‘Being made’) aims to make literature in Russian widely available in an electronic form. Founded in Moscow in 1988 with a manual typewriter and a print run of three handmade paper copies, at the time of cataloguing the publishing house had made 477 publications freely available online. New PDF and audio files are constantly added and listed in a special News section. The collection ranges from Russian literature of the 17th century right through to the 21st, where a section entitled “Samizdat” holds works by contemporary Russian writers published nowhere else. The site also provides: some secondary literature; children’s literature in Russian; some reference books; and a section of translations into Russian from German, English and French literature, some of which are in bilingual editions. One of the hidden treasures of this highly recommended website are the many audio files, including, for example, more than 30 mp3 files of Leo Tolstoy reading letters and short pieces of his later works, or Iosif Brodskii (Brodsky) reading his poems.

You can find the site here.

Thanks to Marc D’Hooghe for the link.


  1. I have been looking for a publishing company based in Russia to sell my Christian books. Do you know where I might publish children’s stories about Vladimir Putin? I really love this Russian leader and think he is doing great things

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