image E-book stores are starting to promote their thousands of existing PDF titles as viewable on the Sony Reader PRS-505. Here’s an example, a press release from

The difference: The Reader can now read DRMed PDF, and the reflowable format of Adobe Digital Editions makes it easier to enjoy PDF books in your favorite font size. Earlier the 505 could read nonDRMed PDF. So could and can the PRS-500, which, however, you can’t upgrade to handle DRM or reflow PDFs. (Via MR.)


  1. David, the problem with is their search engine. They could really use some help with it. I entered the search term David Weber (for the author) and received back hundreds, if not thousands, of books — anything that had either David or Weber in the book title, book author, or book description. Needless to say, i didn’t bother perusing the list.

    I then tried the search with a specific book title and in a specific book genre (Bitterly Divided, a recent history release) and received back again hundreds of books — anything that had Bitterly or Divided anywhere in the description or title. is not a place I’ll be going to by books for my Sony.

  2. BooksOnBoard is proud to offer a wide selection of PDF and ePub eBooks compatible with the Sony PRS-505 (here is our official PRS-505 announcement). We also provide support for PRS-505 users who may need assistance. We applaud Sony for making their reader compatible with a wider range of formats, as this benefits PRS-505 users. Any time a major industry player steps away from their proprietary format, all eBook readers profit.

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