I’m excited to share this fantastic infographic created by the good folks from The Content Wrangler. It’s based on a very detailed, semi-annual survey of publishing professionals, prepared by Aptara.

Even if you’re not a professional involved in development of the ebook market, you may be curious to discover how many publishers are currently producing ebooks (as much as 62%) or what are their revenues.

Interesting fact is that only 10% of publishers plan to produce ebooks instead of print books.

Check also other infographics on ebooks and digital publishing. Their collection at Ebook Friendly is quickly growing.

Click on image to enlarge.

Ebooks: Publishing Industry Statistics [Infographic]

| By Piotr Kowalczyk | Via The Content Wrangler

(Via Ebook Friendly » Tips & More.)


  1. Missing is the publisher revenue pie. 95-97 % is from print. Sales of screen books can be up to 10% of sales, but the revenue is much smaller per unit and continues to under compensate any decline in print sales.

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