
From a Computerworld Report by Daniel Grotta and Sally Wiener Grotta

Before we begin, the introduction is worthy of a special mention since it offers a very useful overview of the e-book reader scene.

From the Comparison Section of the Intro:

Including privately branded devices and Asian knockoffs, there are probably more than a score of e-readers currently on the American market. For this roundup, we focused on currently shipping, readily available models, most by mainstream vendors. These include the Alex, jetBook Lite, iPad, Kindle, Kobo, Libre eBook Reader Pro, Nook and Pandigital Novel.

Sony has recently introduced new versions of its three e-readers: the Reader Pocket Edition, Reader Touch Edition and Reader Daily Edition. While the upcoming models weren’t available in time for this article, Computerworld did get a first look at the devices — check out the article: Sony introduces three light, bright touch-screen e-readers

Because of deadline pressures, we could not include a number of e-readers scheduled or rumored for imminent third- or fourth-quarter release, including devices from Velocity Micro, Asus, Acer, Sharp, Sony and Copia.

Each Review Contains the Following Sections:

+ What’s Interesting:

+ What’s Good

+ What’s Not

+ Bottom Line

+ At a Glance (Basic Specs)

Access the Complete Report

Source: Computerworld

Via Resource Shelf


  1. The article says:

    “Although Amazon sells books in its proprietary format, AMZ, the Kindle can download and read DOC, DOCX, PDF, HTML, TXT, RTF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PRC and MOBI files from any number of digital libraries and bookstores. ”

    Does the Kindle read these formats, or is there a conversion needed first ?

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