
According to DigiTimes:

E Ink Holdings expects its e-paper shipments to continue growing through October, estimating total volume for the entire 2011 at 25-30 million units, according to the company.

The US and Europe have been the main markets driving E Ink’s shipment growth, with demand for e-book readers not being impacted by growing popularity of tablet PCs, the company said.

E-Ink posted consolidated revenues of NT$2.851 billion (US$98.7 million) for July, rising by 20.03% on month and by 83.14% on year, while the January-July figure of NT$19.683 billion hiked on year by 69.22%.

E Ink has finished trial production of e-paper modules at its factory in Yangzhou, eastern China, and will start volume production later in August, with capacity expected to be fully utilized in September.

It looks as if tablets are not stealing a large market share from e-ink yet.


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