Sadi Ranson-PolizzottiSadi Ranson-Polizzotti, TeleRead’s e-book reviewer, has done her first TeleRead podcast, in MP3.

For a former editor with the distinguished publishing house of David R. Godine, the topic is oh so apropos: e-books vs. p-books, with special emphasis on literary small presses. Learn why few do e-books. Meanwhile enjoy; and, for all you audiophiles, yes, we’ll be working on the sound quality. Pay attention instead to the message.

You can respond–civilly, please–at Feel free to write Sadi with questions, not just comments. Got any topics in mind for her future podcasts and writings? Meanwhile e-pubishers can query Sadi about her doing reviews. See our first item about Sadi, so you’ll know what books are of most interest to her.

Update: Thanks, Alexander. I continue to be a big fan of MobileRead and suspect that Sadi will be one, too.


  1. […] Teleread podcast on p-books vs. e-books Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti shares her opinion on print books versus e-books in the first Teleread podcast. Coming herself from the print publishing industry, she argues that while e-books don’t have the physical touch and smell of paper books and thus should not replace them, smaller independent publishing houses still need to become aware of what e-books can do, what profits can be made, and how to enter the market: Most authors don’t know who to go to for e-books, and perhaps what we need is some better reference … and maybe that exist and I just don’t know about it yet because I am pretty new to the e-book scene. Of course Teleread and Mobileread are the perfect two places for book authors to flutter their eyelashes and to have a chat with us. __________________ I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia. – Woody Allen […]

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