“San Jose Public Library’s successful launch of its online electronic book service puts it in good–and popular–company. The Sunnyvale Library began offering a similar service–where patrons can check out, download and read eBooks on their computers or PDAs–almost two years ago, notes John Pilger, that city’s communications officer. ‘Is it a popular service?” he asks rhetorically. ‘During Fiscal Year 02-03, we circulated some 7,500 eBooks. In the first nine months of the current FY, we have already circulated 7,459, a sharp increase over last year.’ Clearly an idea whose time has come.” – San Jose Mercury News.

The TeleRead take: And remember, that’s before the Liebrie-style machines reach K-mart. What’s more, Sunnyvale relies on netLibrary, which offers a selection far more limited than a TeleRead-style approach would.

Detail: While Sunnyvale is off to a nice start, keep in mind that success is relative. I’d love to see how the e-book circulation figures compared to those for p-books.

(Librie item spotted via eBookAd.)


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