gview.pngLets go to Holland! I received the following email from Michiel:

Dear Paul,

I proudly present the first book about e-books in The Netherlands. My “E-books Handboek 2010” is available in print (POD), EPUB and Mobipocket. The book is for sale at Ebook.nl (EPUB and Mobipocket) and Mobipocket.com. In print the book has 266 pages. It has chapters about the e-readers, reading software and of course about the e-books. Besides that the distribution and sales, business models, copyrights, the production of e-books, the e-book and the society (environment and education) and the future of e-books get a lot of attention. Teleread is also featured in the book as a very important source of actual information about e-books.

More information about the book can be found on the site of the publisher, InCT, a magazine about innovative publishing: http://www.inct.nl/index.php?page=publicaties. The e-book editions contain 50% more pictures at a much lower price. Unfortunately it is only available in Dutch. The copyrights of the book are for sale. Anyone interested?

As a publisher of travel guidebooks in The Netherlands I have supported the development of e-books ever since I bought a Rocket eBook reader in 1998.
I hope you can give my book some attention on your site.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Michiel Hatenboer


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