We’ve warned against e-book spam–for example, books that are disguised sales brochures.

A national digital library system in the TeleRead vein should allow freedom of expression but at the same time not shell out tax money for the useless or worse.

Luckily, yes, there are forms of spam control. Start with the use of human librarians, who, ideally, would not just sort out books by publishers and reviews, but also by the quality of the actual content.

Meanwhile for an example of the problem, even now, when junk can reach some major e-store sites and p-stores, too, here’s a gem of an e-mail spam that came to our attention:

Be a Financial Author in 8 Weeks

Dear Advisor,

Who is more esteemed and respected in our culture than an author? If you want wealthy prospects to respect you, agree to meet with you and trust you, you CANNOT look like every other advisor in town. If you do, why should they hire you?

Better clients hire the advisor that appears special, better and smarter. There is no better way to be special than by having your own financial book.

Learn how one advisor uses his book to get invited to talk throughout his state, how another used it to get a


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