Fujitsu PenCentra 130What can you use as a poor-man’s Tablet PC to read e-books? I offered one approach a few days ago, a small high-res LCD monitor tethered to a junky old computer and able to be used on one’s lap. But Libgeek, Down Under, came up with another cool solution earlier–a Fujitsu PenCentra 150 bought on eBay last year for US$50. Thanks, Libgeek! Others’ ideas welcomed. Meanwhile, above, here’s a PenCentra 130 that appeared with an $80 buy-it-now price.


  1. Turns out my unit is a PenCentra 130, not a 150 as I previously suggested, sorry for the typo.

    A PenCentra 200 is the later (current) model and tends to cost a little more on eBay but was available with two different screens, one of which was less bright but readable in direct sunlight.

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