UpdatedCover1-662x1024Here’s an e-book project to raise money for a cause local to me. GalleyCat reports on a digital anthology project featuring essays by a number of authors discussing how movies have influenced their work. Editor Cynthia Hawkins explains:

[Proceeds] will go to the Joplin Eagles Television 14 Program through the Joplin Schools Tornado Relief Fund. The JET 14 Program instructs 160 students each school year in the fundamentals of film production and broadcasting.


The JET 14 Program lost everything on May 22, their technology center and studio, studio kits and field cameras, and other equipment and supplies.  TheWriting Off Script proceeds will go toward replacing equipment and restoring the JET 14 Program for the Joplin High School students.

I can’t say I’ve ever heard of any of the authors involved in the project, but there are plenty of authors I’ve never heard of after all. I live less than 90 minutes from Joplin, and I’ve gone through and seen the devastation. Even months later, most of the tornado-destroyed buildings are still just rubble. Anything that can raise money to help sounds like a good idea to me.


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