Details from OverDrive press release:

…The library has long offered a large collection of audiobooks in cassette and CD formats, but this marks its first foray into digital audio technology. “Audiobooks are in such high demand that we can barely keep them on the shelf,” says City Librarian Fontayne Holmes. “The new technology makes this popular resource even more accessible and widely available.”

Among the initial 400 titles offered are classics such as Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights,” Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick,” and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” Non-fiction selections include a wide range of language learning titles, Dr. Phil’s “Getting Real,” Richard Phalon’s “Forbes Greatest Investment Stories” and Peter Hyman’s “The Reluctant Metrosexual.” New titles will be added on a continuous basis. Soon, a wide selection of classical music will be available for download.

Library cardholders can check out up to five e-audiobooks at a time. If a title is not available because it has been checked out, users can be added to a waiting list and will be notified via E-mail when the title becomes available. E-audiobooks are loaned for 21 days, then automatically “returned” and made available for other users.


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