dagelinks_dutch_state_budget_2007.jpgLast week was the yearly held Day of the Princelings in the Netherlands. This involves the Queen reading her Throne Speech to both chambers of parliament in joint session, and the government presenting its plans and budget for the next year. These plans are kept meticulously secret until the Day of the Princelings — at least that is the plan each year. Only the press receive the budget in advance, and under embargo. Apparently this year the government sent out its documents both in printed form and on a thumb drive. Request from a reporter of daily De Stentor: please send only the thumb drive next year. Apparently e is just as good as p in all respects, and better because of the following:

  • You can search the budget for keywords
  • With the money saved, the recently proposed raise of the beer tax can be undone

Source photo: dagelinks.nl.


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