image DRMless audiobooks in MP3 format will be available to Washington, D.C., public library patrons—a way to help deal with the format war between iPods and Windows-related devices. Just some of OverDrive‘s 20,000 DRMed audiobooks will be offered. Still, this is definite progress.

Library systems in four other cities are next after Washington. I’m just tickled to see D.C. among the pioneers, given all the financial challenges the system has faced. Positive PR!

Users will get a prompt to delete files once the lending period is over. Terms will vary from branch to branch of the D.C. system. Even now, D.C. patrons can burn at least some DRMed OverDrive books onto CDs for private use.

E-books next?

image So here’s the inevitable question. How about e-books next? Maybe using social DRM? And perhaps even with arrangements for libraries to offer patrons a chance to keep the books forever for private use, within a quota—the permanent checkout arrangement I’ve mentioned earlier?

More details on the DRMless lending in D.C. and elsewhere

You can find a few more details in an OverDrive news release, which says that "New York Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, King County Library System (WA), and Hamilton Public Library (Ontario)," will follow, "as well as hundreds more throughout the end of 2008."

image Top photo: Martin Luther King Jr. branch, the D.C. system’s headquarter, where I spent many hours researching The Solomon Scandals, decades ago, in the Washingtoniana Room. Thank you, MLK! Psst! In Scandals, a gossip columnist sneaks in some literacy-related volunteer work for the D.C. system. Scandals will appear in October 2008.

Related: Library books you can KEEP forever—and other ideas to help public libraries survive the digital era. It’s an evolving document. I’m still getting input from a library law expect.


  1. Can you please start paying attention to the slugs for your postings? Do not, under any circumstances, allow your blog software to use whatever slug it wants, viz. every word in the title separated by hyphens (/drmless-audiobooks-for-dc-public-library-patrons-laudable-overdrive-experiment/). Use a single word, or at most two, for each post, please. (I do it the right way.)

  2. Hi, Joe. I prefer your system, but need to figure out if it would be worth the trouble. Why not email me the details — at dr NOSPAM The other consideration is whether people care. Most people just paste in URLs. I’d welcome others’ opinions on the subject.

    Meanwhile thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I might be surprised: there could be a whole bunch of people who do care a lot.


    P.S. I hope your book is doing well.

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