In the future, if you want to see deluxe DRMed goodies, you may need to buy a new monitor. Find out why via Engadget. Thanks, Microsoft.

Now, for the rest of us, here’s a possible countermeasure. Whatever the wares, movies or e-books, a smart independent organization might make a killing with a Good Housekeeping-style “Seal of Approval for DRMed items”–or, to be more exact, a “Seal of Toleration.” If the DRM tormented consumers too much, then no seal could be used on a box or Web site or in a print ad or TV commercial. Even better, there can be a nice “DRM-free” seal as well–something that could also screen out shrinkwrap licenses. This just might fly as one more revenue source for EFF, perhaps in cooperation with Consumers Union. Better, it would help establish DRM as a consumer issue among nongeeks.


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