Received the following news release from DailyLit:

logo-main.gifDailyLit, an innovative digital publisher, today began serializing several books from the University of North Carolina Press.

The Pearl: A Failed Slave Escape on the Potomac; Hot Peppers: The Story of Cajuns and Capsicum; and Ghost Ship of Diamond Shoals are some of the UNC Press books now available on DailyLit. Also available are two classic children’s books, Teach’s Light and Taffy of Torpedo Junction, both of which have enjoyed popularity for decades. The titles are available for $4.95 to $6.95 each.

“The University of North Carolina Press is a wonderful addition to our list of more than 30 publishers,” said Susan Danziger, CEO of DailyLit. “Their books, including a number of regional titles, add depth to our collection, and we’re glad to offer these books in a format that’s perfect for today’s busy lifestyle. Plus, it’s great to give new life to classic young adult titles and help kids of today discover old favorites.”


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