iPod_Touch_refurbIf I had more money right now, this might tempt me: CNet reports that today Daily Steals is offering another deal on hardware that can be used for e-book reading. Daily Steals has a 4th-gen 8-gig refurbished iPod Touch on sale for $159.99 + $5 shipping—a bargain compared to $199 for Apple’s own refurbished unit pricing.

I already like reading e-books on my 1st-gen iPod Touch, and the Retina display of the 4th-gen would make it even better. Plus it has FaceTime video chat and movie recording capability. The only downside is that this deal only comes with a 90-day warranty, rather than the one-year warranty Apple puts on its own refurbished units. Still, CNet expects this to sell out pretty fast, and I do too.

My own plan is still to wait for the 5th-gen iPod Touch to be introduced, then take advantage of the further price reductions this will bring to the 4th-gen refurbs to pick up a 64-gig model. But for those who can’t wait and only need an 8, this deal might be great!


  1. “Daily Steals has a 4th-gen 8-gig refurbished iPod Touch on sale for $159.99 + $5 shipping—a bargain compared to $199 for Apple’s own refurbished unit pricing. ”

    Keep in mind that when buying a refurb from Apple you get a full year warranty instead of 90 days. Whether that’s worth the $34 difference is up to the buyer.

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