clevnet_logo.jpg As far as I know this makes the Cleveland library  the first one in the country to offer this. The library says:

Introducing eBooks in the EPUB format! We are delighted to announce the addition of Sony® Reader-compatible eBooks in the EPUB format to this catalog! Offering small file sizes and the ability to resize text so that it neatly and instantaneously reflows on the screen, the EPUB eBooks available at this site can also be enjoyed on Windows and Mac computers using Adobe Digital Editions.


  1. So the books are in EPUB format but the DRM limits their use to just a subset of available devices – those that can use Adobe Digital Editions.

    So realistically, how is it relevant that they are in EPUB (or any other format for that matter)? The DRM essentially makes the file a proprietary thing yes?

  2. Do not blame the library for the fact that the Kindle cannot view these ePub eBooks. Blame the Kindle for not supporting mobile DE. Sony just happened to be smart enough to support mobile DE. If you wanted a portable device that could view ePub with Adobe’s DRM, then you should have gotten a Sony Reader (505 or 700)

    These ePub eBooks can be read on home computers & laptops using Digital Editions. So if you want to read any and you have a computer, no reason you cannot read them.

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