hathi_logo.jpgGoogle is doing a lot more than just scanning books.

The libraries of the CIC universities are partnering with Google to digitize a comprehensive collection of U.S. Federal Documents. It is believed this collection will comprise between 1 and 1.5 million volumes. The workflow and scanning process for the initiative was tested by the University of Minnesota, which has sent Google approximately 85,000 duplicate holdings from its St. Paul campus. As the pilot phase of this initiative draws to completion, Pennsylvania State University is preparing to move the project forward by readying a portion of its collection for scanning. Digital facsimiles of successfully scanned Federal Documents from Minnesota and other CIC institutions — will be accessible through Google Book Search, with copies also being returned to the HathiTrust Digital Repository, where public domain material can be universally accessed.

You can find out the details here. Thanks to ResourceShelf for the link. The logo is from Hathi Trust.


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