images.jpgJoanna of one of TeleRead’s genuine treasures and she has some news about her blog that I thought I’d share with you:

I have some exciting news for you about some changes to this blog. Firstly, I want to announce my new book page. Instead of maintaining it as a web site where I had to manually add content, I have instead linked it to my Delicious bookmarks. Here is what you will find:

– Easy-click filters, to allow you to find books by source, rating, special collection, year read etc.
– One-line summaries of the books, right there in the bookmark
– Every list will dynamically update as I add bookmarks!

Also, I will be greatly ramping up the book reviewing, due to increasing demand for quality reviews of the indie titles. I hope that over time, as I post more reviews and you get to know my tastes and how they compare to yours, you will be able to use these reviews to help direct yourself to reliable indie titles, and to stay away from bad ones!

To that end, I am pledging to review ONE SMASHWORDS TITLE PER WEEK for the next year, starting now. I’ll post other things to this blog too—reviews of other ebooks, links to articles at Teleread and elsewhere and other related content. But in addition to these posts, there will be one full-on review of a Smashwords title



  1. As an Indie author on Smashwords, I thank you for making such a wonderful pledge! There are some gems on Smashwords but, as you say, some duds as well. With your help, we’ll find many new stories to enjoy. Thank you so much!
    K.C. May
    author of The Kinshield Legacy
    on Smashwords!

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