image Over at Smart Bitches/Trashy Books, Sarah lived up to the first adjective in her blog’s name and bought a $219 refurbed Kindle rather than a $259 new one.

What’s more, to help address her eye problems, she said she’d try a font hack we reviewed.

Like me, she’s less than delighted with the K machine’s proprietary format and DRM. Still, she is intrigued by, among other things, the wireless access.

But which accessories to buy? In response to my query, here are thoughts from the helpful Felix Torres, with some additional information edited in:

“Light and protective leather case: For a light, I found one of these at Walgreen’s for $1.50. It clips fine to the skinned K2 or a protective leather case from KROO now selling for $11.99 at I went with the corner mount because it lets me slip the K2 in upside down. You might prefer $17.99 leather case from Eforcity—it more or less serves as a blackout skin, too. You mileage may vary, but at least this stuff is cheap.”
Related: Mighty Bright mentions in the TeleRead blog. This seems to be a fave among reviewers. To me the higher price—perhaps $8.25 if you shop around—could be worth it if you want a nice, bright light. Also see Felix’s comments (different from the e-mail).
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