nook-kids1-300x190.jpgChamber Four has a comprehensive review of the Nook Color today. Overall it gives the unit a B and here is a list of the categories they discuss. As I mentioned earlier, it seems perfect for children’s books:

Hardware/screen/physicality: A
Battery: B+
General interface/navigation: B
Book reading: A-
Newspaper reading: B
Magazine reading: C+
Kids’ books: A
Shopping/periodical selection: C
Search, highlighting, dictionary, lookup: A
Note-taking/account syncing: F
Music and video playback: B
Library books: B+
Web: B+
Social/LendMe: A-

A lot more detail in the article.


  1. I liked the review… sounded very fair and balanced. It definitely wasn’t a hardware or technical review, and I was getting a kick out of the repeated comment: “A niggling detail, but the firmware updates will probably fix it.” I’m planning on trying this one, the first dedicated reading device that sounds like a winner to me (since I want something for magazine reading).

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