
iOS upgrades are free and can help you thwart black-hat hackers. But owners of the iPad may have a special reason for upgrading---longer battery life. As reported in ITPro, “There...

We've suspended Ezoic to try new things. Details to come in time. Along the way, we have changed name servers. Earlier we warned you to delay posting your much-valued comments, so nothing would be...

“Why can’t the media understand the digital divide---especially the Associated Press?” I asked earlier this month on the TeleRead and LibraryCity sites. AP just didn’t get it. The divide isn’t merely...

Any public libraries planning to lend out those $50 Amazon Fire tablets? School libraries? I'd love to hear from any that are. Some interesting challenges arise, such as license-related restrictions on...

The Oyster e-book subscription service will stay open through early 2016, according to Smashwords CEO Mark Coker. Along the way, he compares Oyster’s economics with those of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited....

“The world’s first fully waterproof case for Apple iPad Pro” will keep your tablet safe in up to two meters of water, according to Catalyst. Ah! Good enough for snorkeling---or maybe...

Light up a reefer and you may be on your way to a life of sexual depravity---well, assuming you don’t kill yourself early on. Funded by a church group keen on saving...

Ad blocking is one of the more controversial features of Apple’s new iOS release. Apple prefers to call it “content blocking,” but it’s mostly intended to block all those pesky website...

Bookaholics and chocoholics are two very seriously overlapping groups. Thanks to the wonders of 3-D printing, could the V-Day gift of the future be a chocolate book of love poems---with slightly three-dimensional...

The Sharp calculator to the left is an electronic antique in all senses of the word. This Elsimate EL-201 is 39 years old---my late father originally used it. I still...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.