Mental Floss, a great blog, by the way, has a cute article on bookstore cats. I guess ebooks are left out in the cold.

Books and cats go together as well as peanut butter and jelly. You could file them under “things that are nice to curl up with” -at the same time! We featured a list of bookstore cats some time ago, but there are many stores with friendly and attractive cats.


  1. LOL Rob …..

    I was in a bookstore about a year ago and a cat was sleeping across a table of newly published books… I wanted one or two of them but really balked at buying a ‘previously sat on’ … so I went down the street and got them there.

    By the way one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I have had in the last three years has been discovering the series of books called “The Cat Who …” by Lilian Jackson Braun. Light fluffy reading, but so enjoyable.

  2. As anyone who has cats and a computer will tell you, yes, a cat can sit on top of your toasty warm computer or monitor while you read an ebook, and they frequently do. They will also drape over it to cover the screen or dance in front of the screen in the same way as they drape and dance on closed and open paper books.

    And heaven help the fool who leaves their ereader on and out of their hands when a cat is near.

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