imageTeleRead is already running first-rate contributions from Ficbot, Joe Wikert, Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, Garson O’Toole, Chris Meadows, Richard Herley and other talented writers—but the more the merrier.

Especially while David is recuperating from his open heart surgery, I would welcome additional help.

Let’s grow an interactive community where we all can participate and help spread the word about the pros and cons of e-books.

More than the usual blog

Yes, cons, too. TeleRead is notable for its candor on topics ranging from DRM to eBabel. In the blog word, it is the leading advocate of e-book standards.

Along the way, it also gets picked up by such sites as Techmeme. Just the other day, the Christian Science Monitor quoted us. Here’s a chance for the world to find out about your e-book savvy.

For an example of the glories of a social approach, please go over to Palm Addict, a site to which I’ve contributed for a number of years. Aside from regular contributors, such as myself, who have direct access to the TypePad site to make entries, you will see that most of the contributions are from people who send in short, or long, posts to the PalmAddict editor who then places them onto the blog. This is clearly successful, as PalmAddict is the oldest technology blog on the web, being founded in August, 1999.

Jump in

So, let’s try more of this. Anyone who would like to have a little, or long, article, or a snippet or a thought, posted please send me the text in an email and I’ll format it and post it, just like Sammy does at PalmAddict (he has an assistant to do this, and I have just me so there may be a bit of a delay). Make your post relevant to ebooks or ebook technology, DRM, publishing, news, or generally book related. Personal experiences are always great, and feel free to be controversial. PalmAddict does not allow comments, but we do and it would be great to start some lively threads. I can’t promise to publish everything, as I will be exercising some editorial discretion, but we have a pretty sophisticated audience here so I suspect we’ll publish the majority of submissions.

You’ll reach far, far more people than through the usual blog and enjoy far more feedback. What’s more, you’re free to use your material on your own site.

Reaching me

Mail your posts to me at

which is a special Gmail account I have set up just for this. All other email to me should go to the address on the sidebar.

Tips for TeleRead writers are here.

(Updated 6:10 p.m.)


  1. I’m just checking in for the first time in quite a while and surprised to hear about David’s heart surgery. I would like to wish him well and also say that I had heart surgery (my 2nd) this past April 29th and I am doing great and I’m sure David will also. I ride my bicycle 10-15 miles a day and conduct my daily activities with no problems whatsoever. Tell David I wish him the very best and you might also tell him I’m 73.

The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail