palm-leaf-manuscript.bmpFrom MobyLives:

The Calicut University in Kerala is scanning over 12,000 palm leaf manuscripts, which apparently comprise over 3,250 individual works and date from as early as 14th century to as lat as the 18th century. The smallest of these fascinating manuscripts is a mere 7cm by 3cm. The project is of course intended to preserve the manuscripts and make them accessible to academics worldwide.

OneIndia reports:

The varsity accorded special attention to the digitization project as slight mishandling could result in damage of the rare manuscripts, copies of which were not available, University’s Malayalam Department Head T M Vijayappan, who was coordinating the project told the sources.

The main intention of the venture was to make available the ancient documents on different subjects, including history, palmistry, mathematics, ayurveda, in digitised format to students of research, he said.

More info at the site.


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