calibre.pngNew Features

* The ability to perform search and replace via regular expressions in the Bulk Edit metadata dialog
* Add an option to have calibre automatically convert straight quotes to curly quotes. Also handles em/en-dashes and ellipses. Found under ‘Look & Feel’ in the conversion options
* Greatly improve sorting performance on large libraries.
* Drivers for the SONY PRS-350/PRS-650 and the Sovos E-reader
* Kobo driver: Add management of the I’m Reading list on Kobo via an Im_Reading tag in calibre. See for details
* Conversion pipeline: Add an option to control how hard line breaks are removed during preprocessing. See the Structure Detection section in the conversion options
* In the Edit metadata dialog, indicate whether the author sort value matches the author value, using a background color
* Add an option to split the toolbar into two toolbars in Preferences->Interface->Look and Feel
* EPUB Output: Improved design of the ‘jacket’ page created by calibre when using the ‘Insert metadata at start of book’ option
* PDF Input: Improve line unwrapping, handling of hyphens/dashes and quotes. Also handle more specially encoded non ASCII characters

Bug Fixes

* Fix regression in filename shortening that caused loss of filename extension
* Fix various regressions that could be triggered when using search restrictions and/or multi-sorts and connecting a device
* Database: Fix possible race condition in windows when changing title/author during move of book files, that could lead to old files not being deleted
* Conversion pipeline: Don’t die if rescaling of image raises an exception, just ignore and continue
* Database: Update has_cover cache when setting/removing covers so that the search returns correct results. Also fix an exception that could occur when adding books with a db that has been upgraded from very old SQL.
* Workaround for bug that affects some windows installs causing white backgrounds on default covers to be rendered as yellow
* Fix handling of non-ASCII chars when rendering series in default EPUB cover
* Fix –start-in-tray switch displays hidden windows in metacity, xfwm4 and compiz
* Conversion pipeline: When setting margins on explicitly set padding to 0 to override and existing padding in the input document
* CHM Input: Ignore missing image files in the input document
* News download: Fix bug that could break some downloads in non ASCII locales
* TXT Output: When using preserve spaces, output tab characters as a sequence of four non-breaking spaces as some readers dont handle the 09 char code.
* PDB Input: Fix bug in conversion of TOC in some PML files


  1. I have had a little glitch today with my Kobo – re the “I’m reading” tags – after connecting and loading up a few new books the “Books I’m Reading” section on my Kobo dropped off a few books I was actually reading. When I re-opened the books on the Kobo it had kept my place in the book, but it just wasn’t showing on the list (it re-appeared after I opened the book again). No big problem but perhaps this needs checking.

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