Drmfree home1

Calibre has just started a new site for drm-free ebooks.  Here’s what they say:

calibre introduces Open Books, a site for easy browsing of DRM-free e-books (e-books without DRM) that are not in the public domain. calibre has a cornucopia of features including library management, e-book conversion, syncing with devices, news download, e-book viewing etc, but to make the most of these features with your e-books you need to ensure your e-books do not carry DRM.

Open Books is a compilation non DRM e-books from various sources linked to enable readers to browse and download them.

Open Books invites you to submit links to DRM free e-books that you would like added to the database. Contact us with details of your DRM-free e-books on the calibre facebook fanpage or #calibreforum page. Please do not include links to books on Smashwords or Baen as we are already aware of them.

For DRM-free public domain books visit the Project Gutenberg website. The Project Gutenberg catalogue contains public domain e-books free of cost as well as DRM-free in various languages.

Open Books is a developing resource. We will be adding books regularly and will introduce a search function and other features as our collection of books increases.

Thanks to EbookNewser for the heads up.


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