calibre.pngNew Features

Ask for confirmation when stopping running jobs
Combine the database integrity check and library check into a single menu item. Also nicer implementation of the db integrity check.
BiBTeX Catalog: Add option to include file paths in the catalog.
Create ‘generic’ output profiles and generic devices in the welcome wizard
Bulk metadata edit: Custom column widgets all have an apply checkbox next to them.
Only use LibraryThing to download metadata if the user provides a library thing username and password. Since LT doesn’t like web scraping
Allow renaming of user categories in the manage categories dialog. Also allow searching for books in a category from the Tag Browser by right clicking ona a category
Folder device plugin: Add option to disable the use of sub folders
Allow saving/loading of search and replace expressions in the bulk metadata edit dialog.
Remeber previously used regular expression in the add books preferences dialog
Search and replace wizard: Cache the previously used input document.
Pressing Esc clears the current search in the main book list
Preselct right formats when using send specific format to device
Regex wizard gets find next and previous match buttons

Bug Fixes

Do not allow customization of user interface plugins until calibre is restarted
EPUB Output: When using preserve cover aspect ratio, use the actual image sizes in the SVG template as otherwise ADE doesn’t fully preserve the aspect ratio
Fix completion on a word with a trailing space causing the first letter to be duplicated in the edit metadata dialog
PML Input: PML x and Xn tags don’t indent properly in TOC. Also handle invalid T markup and retain soft scene breaks
TXT Input: Retain whitespace at the beginning of lines. Don’t preserve spaces in heuristic processing. Detect and retain soft scene breaks.
Fix Adding empty book – cover browser doesn’t update
When generating author sort string ignore trailing Inc.
When converting HTML/ZIP files do not leave temporary files that are only deleted on application shutdown.
Don’t crash if the prefs stored in the db are corrupted
Catalog generation: Do not use inline-block CSS as apparently Adobe Digital Editions cannot handle it.
Fix extra spaces being inserted into TOC title when reading TOC from OPF guide element.
Remember window size for bulk metadata edit and catalog generation dialogs
Heuristics, italicize common cases: Enhance pattern matching to match punctuation after pattern.
Fix regression in converting HTML files that have ASCII-encoded non unicode characters inside their


  1. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who have Calibre installed, and those who don’t. First group has probably received their update notification from within Calibre, and updated. Second group just doesn’t care. This way, Calibre update “news” are 0% signal, 100% noise for the both groups.

  2. Calibre must be the most frequently updated program in the history of software.

    I like it and I use it. But I’d be perfectly happy to get one sizable update every few months rather than a constant stream of little updates.

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