Calibre.jpegNew Features

The book list behavior has changed
Added a new HTML output format plugin, which converts the input document to a ZIP file. The zip file contains HTML pages suitable for display in a website
Support for iRiver Cover Story and Digma Q600
Add a search button (labelled Go!) to explicitly run a search with the text currently in the quick search box
Add author to the calibre geenrated book jacket
Add the title of the destination book to the merge dialog warning message
calibre-server: Make auto reload control separate from –devlop with a new command line option –auto-reload

Bug Fixes

Fix book details panel not being updated after a delete-merge
Fix clicking in the search box launches a search if you have search as you type enabled
Use a browser widget to display book details for more robustness and better performance when vieweing large HTML comments
Fix cover browser not updated after copy to library and delete
Fix regression that broke sending non calibre EPUB files to the iPad. Also handle failure to set cover in iTunes gracefully
News download: Workaround lack of thread safety in python mechanize, causing corrupted network packets (degrading network performance) on Ubuntu Maverick 64bit kernels
Convert comments to HTML for book details panel in separate thread to make scrolling through the book list faster when large comments are present
calibre-server: Fix regression that broke –daemonize
EPUB Input: Handle ncx files that have elements with no content correctly.
SNBOutput: Fixed a bug in handling pre tag
MOBI Output: Don’t ignore hidden anchors.
Fix switching libraries and generating a catalog could generate a catalog for the wrong library
MOBI Output: Fix regression that broke conversion of anchors inside superscripts/subscripts.
Content server: Fix various minor bugs
Amazon metadata download plugin: Make it more robust and add option to auto convert HTML to text
Re-arrange send to device menu to make it harder to accidentally trigger the send and delete actions


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