calibre.pngNew Features

* Automatic backup of the calibre metadata database
* Virtual columns
* calibre templates now much more powerful
* Metadata plugboards: Allow you to perform sophisticated transformations on the metadata of a book when exporting it from the calibre library.
* User defined columns are now fully integrated into calibre
* Driver for the jetBook Mini
* Add tweaks to control which custom columns the content server displays.
* Bulk downloading of metadata/covers now shows progress and can be canceled
* New plugin to download covers from It is disabled by default and must be enabled via Preferences->Advanced->Plugins->Cover download plugins
* Add option to change titles to title case in the Bulk metadata edit dialog
* Add option to bulk metadata edit dialog to force series renumbering to start with a specified value
Bug Fixes

* Fix various bugs that could lead to stale files being left in the calbre library when editing title/author metadata on windows
* Fix various regression in the preprocess and de-hyphenation code that broke conversion of some files, especially PDF ones.
* Alex driver: Fix books not being placed in sub directories. Send covers. And allow sending of FB2
* MOBI Output: Fix bug that could caused left margins in the MOBI file to have twice the size of the left margins in the input document, when viewed on the pathetic Kindle MOBI renderer
* MOBI Input: Interpret blockquotes as having a left margin of 2em not 1em to reflect recent Amazon practice
* MOBI Output: Remove transparencies from images. Pathetic Kindle MOBI renderer strikes again
* Revert removal of inline toc from news downloaded in MOBI format as this makes it unusable with the pathetic Kindle For PC application
* Content server: Remove special characters from filenames in download links to accomodate broken browsers like the one in the Kindle
* Conversion pipeline: When rescaling images, dont replace gif image data with jpeg data
* EPUB Input: Ignore OPF files in the EPUB whose names start with a period
* RTF Output: Handle a larger set of broken images in the input document
* epub-fix: Handle dates before 1900
* Welcome wizard: Prevent the user from choosing a non empty folder as her calibre library
* Automatically enable the Douban metadata download plugins if the user choose chinese as the interface language in the welcome wizard
* Linux DBUS notifier: Fix causing freezes on some DBUS implementations
* Workaround for windows limitation when reading from network sockets. Should fix issues with large files in calibre libraries on network shares.


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