Below is news release, edited. Also see earlier post on the Book Edition.

imageBorders UK will sell iRex Technologies’ iLiad Book Edition  in seven of its stores for  £399, starting Saturday 10th May. Borders will be the first high street retailer in the UK to showcase the product, which has already had a high-profile launch in Holland, and the first bookseller in the UK to sell an e-book device.

“Here at Borders we are firmly committed to delivering the best range, the best browsing environment and best customer experience in the marketplace”, said Neil Fitton, Head of Marketing for Borders UK. “With this agreement to offer the iLiad Book Edition to Borders customers, we are adding an exciting new device that gives those who are passionate about reading another way to indulge that passion. We are delighted to be associated with iRex Technologies, the inventors of electronic paper technology, in introducing this great new product.”

Coupling an innovative electronic paper display with a lightweight, compact form factor and durable design, the iLiad allows active readers to carry as many books as they want and to read at anytime, anywhere. The electronic paper display technology allows readers to read digital books as if they are printed on regular paper. Thanks to the high contrast, high resolution display of the iLiad the reader will no longer experience eyestrain when reading, and with a near 180° viewing angle reflecting screens are something of the past. The iLiad is developed by the Phillips spin-off, iRex Technologies BV.

“This agreement with Borders, a name that resonates with book lovers in the UK, gives us the opportunity to offer the iLiad directly to the reading enthusiast.”

“Borders stores provide the prime location for book lovers to learn about the advantages this revolutionary digital reading device has to offer.”

The iLiad Book Edition costs £399 and will include 50 pre-loaded eBook Classic titles. The iLiad will be available in the following Borders stores: Oxford Street and Islington in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Cheshire Oaks and Brighton from Saturday 10th May.


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