From the description.  I wonder if there is a similar service for Amazon – as I won’t buy anything from the iBookstore and force myself to read on only Apple products.  For those who don’t mind, though:

BookWatch searches the iBookStore® for you and notifies you when there are new book releases from your favorite authors. iAd Supported Version To get started, just tap the add button on the top left and start typing the author’s name. Adding authors is a breeze with author suggestions. BookWatch then downloads the authors entire catalog and shows you the latest book release. After you’ve added all your favorite authors, tap the refresh button on the bottom left to check for new book releases. When new releases are found, BookWatch will notify you and display them. Tapping any author name displays all books available in the iBookstore® for that author. Tap any book to see a description and other details. If you want to sample or buy any book, just tap the ‘Open in iBookstore’ button to go directly to the book in the iBookstore®. The easy editing system for BookWatch allows you to manage which authors BookWatch will check for. *Note: Unlike music and audiobooks, there is currently no way an app can detect what authors are already in the device’s iBooks library, so all authors must be added manually. Features planned for future updates: – Push Notifications for new releases – Badges for app icon and book artwork to designate new releases

Thanks to Joe Stirt for the heads-up.


  1. carmen, I don’t see how that site does what Paul wants: being able to “subscribe” to an author or series and then get sent updates when the book comes out or gets announced with a release date. The closest it comes is the Kindle Watch feature, but that assumes that the book already exists in some other format.

  2. I recommend changedetection.com for these sorts of things. Register an Amazon author’s page, and it will let you know every time the page is changed, which presumably includes (and should mostly be limited to) new books. Caveat: I haven’t used it on Amazon before.

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