Joseph Stirt runs one of the most interesting blogs on the net – bookofjoe. Everyone should make it required reading. (How’s that for an unequivocal statement?)

Joe sent me a link to his posting on this fascinating book, whose thesis is that Lincoln was the first master of a new technology.

The book is available in e-book form from Amazon ($9.85) and Fictionwise ($16.96 no club /$14.42 club, after rebate) DRM applies, unfortunately. You can read the first chapter in PDF form by downloading it from the book’s Web site.

It looks so interesting that I just had to post it here.


  1. It’s probably not Fictionwise’s fault, but according to Amazon, the paperback’s list price is only $13.95, which is $3 cheaper than Fictionwise’s non-club price (and still 47 cents cheaper than Fictionwise’s club price). The Amazon price is 11.16, which makes the Fictionwise price even worse. Between DRM and more expensive than the paperback, I think the publisher must be actively discouraging ebooks. Of course, when it doesn’t sell, the publisher’s response is “nobody wants to buy ebooks”.

  2. Oh, I agree that it’s not Fictionwise’s fault. Their (and everyone else’s) DRMed books are often more expensive than the paperbacks, which is absurd, and leads me to believe the payments to DRM vendors must be substantial.

    Why would I ever pay more than the physical object for a book I can do less with?

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