Screen shot 2010-07-15 at 9.22.15 AM.pngFrom the press release:

Blackboard Inc. (Nasdaq: BBBB) and Follett Higher Education Group today announced a partnership to give students the ability to purchase and use digital textbooks directly in Blackboard Learn™ with a free integration, available today, that brings interactive texts into the course experience.

The integration streamlines the way that instructors assign texts and the ease with which students can access and use them. It also provides access to Follett’s CaféScribe®, an e-textbook and social networking platform that gives students and instructors the ability to read, highlight, annotate, share notes, and form campus and worldwide study groups among a range of CaféScribe features that make digital texts more interactive.

Additionally, Blackboard announced a partnership with Barnes & Noble. More information on that here.


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