imageTiger Direct, whose $100 Sony Reader sale I fondly remember, is coming through on Black Friday with another temptation.

It’s a $350 Asus Eee PC 901 Netbook with the features mentioned in the headline. “Original price” was $600, though the cost has apparently dropped since then; read on.

No, I haven’t tried the 901. But the rugged solid state drive and a rated battery life of up to 7.8 hours could make it interesting to some e-bookers—even if this is hardly the ultimate Black Friday bargain. For that, how about a widescreen 19-inch Acer LCD monitor for $110, new?

What a shame that the Asus netbook lacks a swivel screen of the kind that could convert it into a tablet. But the small size might still make it attractive to some as an e-book reader.

Related: Amazon’s page on the PC 901, with customer comments. The usual price is listed at $440, and the price on the page is $350, with a reference to Tiger Direct in the shipping schedule.

Also of interest: Dr. Ellen Hage’s discovery of a $198  ECTACO jetBook E Ink Reader (Black Friday price).

Suggestion: Why not share your own Black Friday sightings?


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