image Way to go, Bill—with your recent Windows Usability Systematic degradation flame!

So when will you rant against your DRM‘s usability horrors? And in favor of alternatives such as digital watermarking—a technology favored by Steve Stone, one of your former e-book guys? Plain nothing, of course, is also fine by me, and in fact, it’s my favorite solution.

The best thing about Microsoft Reader’s DRMed LIT: The fact that it’s so easy to bypass if you have the right software, which, because of the  DMCA, I’ll appreciate people not mentioning here. TeleBlog community members outside the States can just Google around, wink, wink. (Thanks to Mike Cane for the billg tip.)

And another note to Bill: Care to do ePub? An e-book standards war with Amazon and Kindle could get expensive for everyone in the long term—not just users and the book biz, but also the tech companies involved.


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