
Since a long standing as A few weeks ago, I looked at viable Android substitutes for the iPod Touch. One of the only contenders was Samsung’s Galaxy Player, which seemed to have about the same specs but not very good reviews.

Now Engadget reports that Best Buy’s mobile shopping application lists a price for the eight GB 5 inch Galaxy Player of $269.99. Though it costs a bit more than the iPod Touch, the Galaxy Player does have a slightly larger screen, as well as a couple of features that the iPod Touch does not, including a micro SD slot and an FM tuner. Despite having a price listed, however, the Galaxy player has not yet been released on these shores.

It still remains to be seen whether this player will have any better luck than Microsoft’s Zune at taking on the iPod Touch.


    • You didn’t read the article that I linked to in which I discussed that point? I thought I was pretty clear in it. The problems with the Archos are 1) it has a resistive rather than a capacitive touch screen; and 2) it does not have access to the Android Marketplace. No device that has those two drawbacks is ever going to be a viable competitor to the iPod Touch, because the Touch has the much-more-sensitive capacitive touch screen, and it has the app store from Apple that allows purchasing any software necessary from one convenient location.

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